How to Choose Advertiser Affiliate Programs?

How to Choose Advertiser Affiliate Programs?
How to Choose Advertiser Affiliate Programs?

What factors should you consider when choosing advertiser affiliate programs? The key is to ensure that the advertiser affiliate programs offer products that meet the needs of your potential customers. In general, the products you choose should:

  • be excellent in quality and customer service
  • fit the theme of your site
  • be something you like and believe in
  • be complementary with each other
  • from a solid merchant

Almost all Earn Money online blogger talks about affiliate marketing as a money generating machine. But without knowing how to choose the best affiliate program for you, you cannot earn the desirable amount of passive income. For choosing the best affiliate program for you, you need to pay attention to some factors.

Here are some factors for you to evaluate advertiser affiliate programs:

1. Pick advertiser affiliate programs run by reputable companies. 

You should pick advertiser affiliation programs run by reputable merchants. These days it’s so easy for everyone to start their affiliate programs, even though they do not have the resources to run them properly. It would be best to avoid these advertiser affiliate programs as they may not pay you as promised.

Here are some reliable companies offering high-quality affiliate services that you can trust. Browse through these merchants and sign up with the ones appropriate for your site:

  • has products that fit with any website (books, CDs, videos, DVDs, computer games, free electronic greeting cards, etc.).
  • ClickBank: has diverse categories of digital products with a high affiliate commission.
  • DigiStore24: has diverse categories of digital as well as physical products with a high affiliate commission.

2. Look for advertiser affiliate programs that offer high-quality products or services.

Remember, it’s your reputation that is on the line every time you refer people to buy through your affiliate relationship. So don’t recommend inferior products or services. If possible, try to recommend those products you already know and used before; this will increase the trustiness of your audience toward you. If it is not possible to use and test yourself, then do research, read reviews on the internet and recommend the products to your clients with pros and cons.

The better the product or service, the more enthusiastic you will be about recommending it. So, you’ll have a better chance that people will buy from you.

3. Seek advertiser affiliate programs that pay good commissions

If you join a program that pays only 1 cent per click, you will need many click-throughs to earn any income. However, if you find an advertiser affiliate program that offers much more, you have a greater chance to make money with your website even though your site has light traffic at the moment. So look for advertiser affiliate programs that reward you generously.

Yes, high commissions alone are no use if your visitors don’t buy from your site. As long as you choose products or services that match your site’s overall theme, it makes sense to test and find out what interests your audiences.

4. Seek advertiser affiliate programs that have sites that can SELL

It’s not enough for having a good product and a high commission. It would be best if you also had good salesmanship. Therefore, you should choose a merchant who has a good site that sells effectively. If your promoting products have some digital outlets, then your referral first visits there and then decides.

Also Read: Step By Step Affiliate Marketing Strategy for beginners

5. Look for companies that help and support affiliates.

It would be best if you look for merchants who work hard to help their affiliates succeed:

  • issue high-quality newsletter that educates and trains affiliates
  • provide extensive online information
  • provide helpful marketing assistance such as traffic building and sales-getting tools
  • offer e-mail helpdesk to offers excellent advice for affiliates
  • provide accurate tracking of results, detailed traffic and linking statistics
  • notify by e-mail when a sale is made
  • offer affiliate discount on buying products

6. Aim for advertiser affiliate programs that pay residual commissions

Join advertiser affiliate programs that pay residual commissions from your referred customers. As long as the customers continue to use the products or the services provided by the merchants, you’ll still get paid.

For example, you can earn monthly web hosting fees or autoresponder fees from the following merchant:

  • AWeber is an advanced feature-packed autoresponder and pays 10% residual commissions on all your referrals’ prices.

7. Look for advertiser affiliate programs that pay lifetime commissions. 

With most advertiser affiliation programs, the affiliate earns a commission on only the first purchase by the customer. However, a few advertiser affiliate programs pay lifetime commissions, and you’ll get paid on all future sales of other products to customers you refer; This is a huge plus.

Also Read: How To Start Affiliate Marketing Business With Legendary Marketer

8. Look for advertiser affiliate programs that track lifetime cookies.

If you send people to buy a particular product through your site, they may not buy on the first visit. They may click around, delay a decision and return later. You may not earn anything from that purchase unless the merchant set a cookie for a certain period. The lifetime cookie is the best as it tracks the first visit and will not be expired.

Also Read: 7 Best Ways To Promote Affiliate Links

9. Some Others Factors

The affiliate programs you choose should be Free to Join, and no need to buy the products. It’s great if the program limits the number of affiliates, you won’t find many of these. If you do, grab it.

If the advertiser affiliate programs are two-tier, you earn commissions on affiliates who join because of you; this is good. However, don’t depend too much on your referrals on generating a decent income for you, as many affiliates fail to sell. It’s up to YOU to earn the income you want.

Also, you should compare various advertiser affiliate programs and their respective commission structures. Check the frequency of payment and the minimum amount you must accumulate before receiving payment to see whether the programs are reasonable.


Here we discuss the factors of Choose , which will help you make a wise decision. Affiliate marketing is one of the high earning passive business ideas, but to generate the desired earning, you must consider these factors. If you have any confusion or queries, then don’t forget to comment to us.


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